Trevor Morris


TSI AdminCenter

(closed source)

Service host and tooling provider for managing apps in Trans-System's managed Android devices.


• Provide centralized authentication and identity service to all apps using an AIDL interface.

• Implement offline HTTP request intercepting for re-sending requests when connectivity becomes available.

• Maintain cache of data from server for offline use with varying lifetimes.

• Centralize access to application-specific loggers for upload and analysis regardless of physical distance from the device.



Shopping list app with a focus on recipe management and list generation. Archived due to maintenance time and hosting costs.
View on Github


• Create recipes and manage an ingredient list for each recipe.

• Share recipes with other users and save recipes from others.

• Create a meal plan for a shopping trip and automatically generate a shopping list.

TSI DriverPortal

Portal for TSI drivers to view pay stubs, view documents, view trip details, sign-up for programs and services, take courses, earn awards, and manage their work experience.
View Site


• Document viewer for pay stubs, trip documents, and other documents.

• Manage partner-based training documents, quizzes, and awards.

• Allow drivers to sign-up for programs and services offered by Trans-System.

• Facilitate driver learning through courses, quizzes, coaching, and manual intervention.